The Hidden Creative Podcast

Adventures of a rural creative…

Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

What Is Success With Louise Holliday

Yes, we need money to pay the mortgage, the rent, the electricity. Yes, our business needs money to buy new stock, to pay for the subscriptions, to pay for website hosting, etc. BUT, have you found yourself thinking - I’m not in it for the money? Do you shy away from the 10x, or 6 figure promise that is splashed across the internet?

I do too :) And that’s why I invited Louise Holliday from Theodore & George as our guest on the podcast today because her take on what success means to her is something every rural small business owner should hear!

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

The Real, The Raw + The Honest With Keira Gifford!

Today we get incredibly real, raw and honest with intuitive brand + web designer, creatress of the amazing small business Raw Confetti and Mumma of one, Keira Gifford!

This episode touches on many different aspects of being a business owner and a Mother; topics that can often be sensitive in nature. I know you will love to hear her story as Keira is so incredibly open + honest. Grab a cuppa and let's get chatting!

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Finding Your Talent With Sam Snape

The Hidden Creative is about helping those people who need to recognise their talents. To give confidence to those who aren’t yet confident enough to go all in. It’s about helping you bring your dreams to life and share your gift with others, no matter what.

The guest that I’m interviewing today is what the Hidden Creative means to me. He inspires me with his courage and laid back attitude. His depth of emotion that no-one else can see on the outside. He is incredibly talented, and yet will tell you that he just "goes with the flow". He is a true hidden creative and today he shares his passion with us on the podcast!

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

The New Social Media Guide For Rural Creatives :)

“Being social” according to Google means you crave companionship, belonging, community.

However, I would strongly argue the point that the Social Media we know today has been named incorrectly. Because even though at first glance it might seem that way, it actually has many differing qualities that would prove otherwise.

Today we are chatting about a new way of using social media in hope to bring about a positive change.

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Creative Insight From A Rural Occupational Therapist With Louise Whitton

General society shouldn’t dictate what we market for. It shouldn’t tell us what our goals are. It shouldn’t be the reason for our actions. And yet somehow along the way, we forget that WE set the intention of our business.

In today’s episode I chat with one incredible lady about her adventures as an occupational therapist. You will discover that there are more ways than one for creating a rural business that doesn’t want to fit the box. A business that wants to intentionally be different, stand out and create their own pathway forward.

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

A Creative At Heart With James O’Hanlon

“I think it’s allowed me to be myself a little bit in a way that maybe wouldn’t have been possible if I wasn’t regional. I think regional communities are really just crying out for good people to do good things.” The beautiful words spoken by our incredible guest James O’Hanlon in today’s podcast episode.

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Introducing the NEW Taylah Maree!

I want to help regional creatives grow their confidence and build an impactful small business with heart that provides countless opportunities for them to live from their creative center. So they can make the impact they desire in their life as well.

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Put Yourself Out There & Gain New Opportunities

Our guest on the podcast has a story that I think will really help you! She has put herself out there in a big way and has grown a successful business in doing so. This platform that she has created has helped her to overcome that fear and has opened up so many opportunities for not only her but for family members, clients and others around her. 

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Creating An Impactful Business Platform That Inspires

She started her hire business with 4 cars back in 2011 and today she has almost 150 vehicles across 2 different states. She founded her business when her son started kindy and her twin daughters were in their final year of pre school. She created a business that filled a hole in the market and grew a platform that allows her to not only help her staff grow, but give back to her community in incredible ways. And today, she is a guest on the Hidden Creative podcast.

Join me as I chat with Jacinta Mannion from Ultra Fleet about her adventures owning a business, being a Mum and helping her community.

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Are You A Hidden Creative?

If I were to ask you what you thought makes a person creative, what would your answer be - someone who can draw, someone who can paint? What if I were to tell you that those first thoughts you have of a creative person are only just the beginning to what being a creative is all about, and that up until now - you may not have even thought that YOU are a creative…

Let me enlighten you in today's episode where we chat all about the hidden creative and how you my ambitious listener, can change the world! Let's do this!

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

In Loving Memory Of Britt - The True Reason Why We’re Business Owners With Britt Abraham

You know those conversations you have with a friend that turn into a D&M? The conversations where you go deep into the why, and share openly and honestly. Where you discuss the real, the raw and the honest? Well, welcome to episode 16 of the podcast!

Today we chat with Britt Abraham, the incredible owner and founder behind Unlax Candles, a small business selling soy wax candles from Breeza NSW and spreading a very important message across the globe!

You will definitely want a cozy chair and maybe even the tissues for this one! I hope you enjoy our heart to heart.

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Talking Creative Business Adventures With Steph Wanless From FOUND Regional

From travelling the world in exploration of her creative soul, to settling back home launching what is now known as one of the region's most inspiring magazines, FOUND Regional, Steph Wanless shares her incredible journey so far!

You will want a cuppa for this one, because this magazine founder, writer, mother and wife has a lot to say about creative business, family and everything in between. Join me for a chat with Steph.

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Un-busy Your Mind + Utilise Your Time In A More Intentional Way!

There is this wave of busy-ness flooding through the business community and I hear it every day. There is just so much to do and so little time to do it and I feel it’s a trap we have fallen into.

But, there is only so far you can go running in the “busy” direction before something has to give, and as a creative, it’s going to be your creativeness.

In today's episode, I have invited Renee from Life and Business In Alignment onto the podcast to chat about how to “un-busy” your mind so that you are able to direct your focus into more productive areas. So that you can utilise your time in a more mindful way, get all those tasks done without feeling chaotic and busy and in turn operate from that beautiful creative space that this all began from for you in the first place!

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

How To Make Your Regional Small Business Unique

Do you lose time wondering how to make your business stand out in your small town? How to do something different and unique? How to set your business apart from the rest?

In today’s episode, we chat with Holli from ZV Fitness in Gunnedah about her journey to helping her clients in a whole new way that not only reflects her brand but allows her business to stand out and make a big impact! Pull up a seat, because this one you won’t want to miss!

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

How To Grow Your Business In A Small Town

Wondering how to grow your business in a small town? In today’s episode, I chat with Andrea from Soul Hair Studio all about her journey moving from the city to country, what is has been like growing a business in a regional town and how very different it is from life in the city.

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

The Tips I Can Share From Creating A Digital Course

For the past 2 and half years I have been growing this platform for regional small business owners and creatives who lift each other up, inspire one another, motivate and hold each other accountable and this is just the side effect of what it all started out as! The Mindful Business Hub story begins.

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Owning A Business Can Heal The Soul

If you have ever felt as though your business helps to keep you going, heals your soul and gives you the freedom to be the person you were born to be, you are not alone. Today, I chat with one amazing creative about her business journey, one of healing and inspiration.

Owning a business is so much more than just registering a name in the business register. In this episode you will discover exactly how much a business can influence your life... for the better!

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

Behind The Scenes With Tracie Finlay

She crafts bespoke freeform opal jewellery, had a clothing boutique and manufactured her own clothing label for 20+ years, helps her husband run their 10,000 acre property in regional Australia and is my Mumma and greatest inspiration of all. Today, I want to share with you a behind the scenes of the life of Tracie Finlay, a creative mother and grandmother bringing her dreams to life in regional australia.

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Mindset Taylah Hudson Mindset Taylah Hudson

New Year Goal Setting 101

We all rush to set goals at the beginning of the year - it’s the done thing right? But, what if you are missing the point altogether and rather than creating goals that are thought of today, based on the expectations of others or what is happening in society at that moment, why not consider what you are already working towards, and make that even grander!

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